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The dabbledoo team believes that arts education is one of the most meaningful and accessible avenues for children to connect with diverse cultures, fostering self-esteem, empathy, kindness, and tolerance. They are committed to expanding their organization and product offerings in a manner that prioritizes diversity, inclusion, and equality. Dabbledoo Music makes it easy for schools to cover all areas of the primary level music curriculum in a fun and accessible manner for both teachers and students. The system encourages creativity, imagination, and builds confidence among teachers and children, enabling them to realize their musical potential.

Sustainable Development

Problem: The arts are particularly powerful and transformative when experienced as a child. Although arts education is recognised at a national policy as being “fundamental to an education that aspires to nurture and support the development of the whole person” many children in Ireland face barriers in experiencing music, dance, drama and visual art. In schools, these subjects have traditionally been seen as less important or less useful than core subjects of maths, science and languages. On top of this is that primary school teachers often do not feel comfortable or confident in delivering music and arts education. As they are often under pressure to deliver all other subjects, this lack of confidence means the arts can slip down the priority list. Children who do not have the means or the family support to take part in the arts outside school face further obstacles. Children from disadvantaged areas, children with additional learning needs and children for minority backgrounds all face problems in accessing the arts and arts education. Solution​: Dabbledoo is an independent Irish company dedicated to providing primary schools with the resources, training and support to deliver high-quality and accessible arts and music education. They are a team of educators, artists, musicians and designers with a passion for arts education and its potential to enrich the lives of children. The team has also built an accessible online platform providing all children in Ireland with quality arts education each week, which fits right in with the national curriculum. Impact: In January 2023, dabbledoo had more than 7,200 active teachers on the platform, reaching upwards of 1,200 schools and 182,000 children. Dabbledoo have step by step weekly lessons which fit perfectly into the primary school arts curriculum and plan content to make it easier than ever for teachers with no arts or music backgrounds to teach those subjects in a fun and effective manner.

Sustainability Impact

Develop drama and visual arts programs which can be accessed by primary schools all over Ireland.

SDGs goals and Sustainable development strategy

Goal 4. Quality Education: Core Activity: To support Irish primary schools with Music, Drama, Art through the development of classroom resources which make lessons fun and accessible for teachers and children. Impact: Fair and equal access to music, drama and art education in communities across Ireland. Key Characteristics: Encourages creativity and imagination and builds confidence amongst teachers and children to fulfil their musical potential. Contributors: Educators | Parents | Children | Funders.

Goal 17. Partnerships for the Goals: Core Activity: Dabbledoo Music makes it easy for schools to cover all areas of the primary level music curriculum in a fun and accessible way for teachers and students alike. Impact: Access for all children across Ireland to music, drama and art education. Key Characteristics: Collaboration on events outside the school day such as Christmas, Halloween and Summer Camps. Contributors: Educators | Parents | Children | Communities.

Strategy & Mission

The dabbledoo team believe the arts are among the most meaningful and accessible ways for children to relate to different cultures. Arts education helps children grow their own self esteem while developing empathy, kindness and tolerance for others.

Need for Improvement

The traditional educational curriculum for primary school students (age 5 – 12 years) in Ireland is quite narrow and traditional and teaching staff are not equipped or resourced to move outside the curriculum. The teachers also need to be educated as to what is possible when working outside the curriculum.


The realization that not all children could access music and the arts without barriers, often related to their own socio-economic situation.

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